Great space for families with small children
Our Fellowship Hall offers tables and chairs that create a great space for families to worship together with little children. The livestream of the worship service is shown on the televisions in the room. Parents can listen and watch while helping their children stay occupied or involved. We've got dry erase boards with markers, playdough, and worship bags with coloring books, stickers, and new activities each week.
A bathroom is located close by with a changing table. It's a quick walk from the Fellowship Hall to the Sanctuary for the Children's moment or Holy Communion.
We encourage families to worship with us in the sanctuary. Bring your snacks and activities in your pew! But if a little more "wiggle space" is desired, the Fellowship Hall is a great option, too!
Quiet Room
Located adjacent to the Fellowship Hall is a Quiet Room. If you need a quiet space for nursing, prayer, or to collect your thoughts, you are welcome to use this space. The door will close for privacy.